On-Demand vs. On-Premises TCO Calculator

Author(s): Mauricio Rodriguez

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The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model can bring a much lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than its on-premises equivalent. But short-term gains can mean longer-term bottom-line pains – so do the math.

IT decision makers can use this calculator to determine if the enterprise can reap TCO benefits from the on-demand SaaS model. This Excel-based tool includes:

  • A list of potential TCO cost categories for consideration.
  • A fully-functional comparative calculator that allows TCO calculations for both on-demand and on-premises solutions, up to five years in the future.
  • A dynamic graphical output so that the TCO for both solutions over time can be readily visualized.

The proof is in the numbers. Limit solution procurement risk and perform a five-year TCO calculation to determine if on-demand or on-premises solutions make the most fiscal sense for the enterprise.


This downloadable tool is associated with the research note, "Saas: What It Is and Why You Should Care."

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