- Many asset management (ITAM) projects see delays or setbacks, or just never get off the ground as they are treated as side jobs.
- Many of the IT initiatives can be improved through better access to data and many business initiatives can be funded through savings found in asset management.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- Executive and stakeholder support is critical to success for ITAM.
- Engaging the right staff and including ITAM in existing processes will drive value immediately.
- Dollar savings are the biggest incentive, but are easily supported through efficiencies and better data.
Impact and Result
- Reading through the introduction of this blueprint will highlight many of the ways ITAM can benefit an organization.
- Matching these benefits to needs within your own organization can be the catalyst to realizing significant savings on software and hardware, as well as driving efficiencies in support, data collection, procurement, and accounting.
- Effective asset management can go a long way to improve customer service and support.
- The tools are included to build a business case, calculate ROI, and plan the project. This will ensure that if there is opportunity to realize value, your organization will see it and thank you for the effort.