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Vendor Landscape: Cloud Backup Gateways

Combine on-site storage with off-site clouds for data protection and capital cost avoidance.

  • It’s hard to get the bearings of a market where most of the vendors have been around for just two or three years.
  • Cloud backup vendors have different definitions of what entails an enterprise-class cloud backup solution, further complicating the situation.
  • Info-Tech Research Group has developed a clear definition of business-class cloud backup gateways, and evaluated six leading vendors.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Direct-to-cloud backup solutions are not enterprise-ready. They provide no resiliency in the event your internet connection is not available.
  • Cloud backup startups come with impressive pedigrees, typically founded by people who have experience in storage, WAN optimization, and security.
  • Cloud backup is a rapidly maturing market heading for commoditization already, and vendors have already begun differentiating themselves by focusing on specific problems or niche markets.

Impact and Result

Select the cloud backup solution that’s the best fit for your organization, taking into account advanced features, support, and vendor viability by customizing the Vendor Landscape according to what criteria are most important to you.

Vendor Landscape: Cloud Backup Gateways Research & Tools

1. Evaluate leading cloud backup solutions

Arrive at a shortlist of vendors for further analysis.

2. Create a customized list the best fitting vendors

Isolate vendors that best meet requirements and accelerate the selection process.

Vendor Landscape: Cloud Backup Gateways preview picture

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