- Executives around the world, in all sectors of the economy are facing the realization that their legacy systems can no longer be ignored. As the developers responsible for maintaining these technological dinosaurs retire from the workforce, businesses need to start acting proactively to modernize their aging systems.
- Early attempts to modernize legacy systems were fraught with disastrous outcomes due to the lack of technological capability to assist with the process of transformation. This created a situation where many executives would rather accept the ever spiralling cost of continuing to run their legacy systems rather than risk career ending failure.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- Standards have been formed from the Object Management Group (OMG) along with tools conforming to the standards, methods, and technologies that greatly increase the success rate of today’s transformations.
- Automated techniques and tools using an architecture-driven approach have been created and are seeing huge successes causing many legacy owners to take notice and engage one of the included vendors to transform their applications, data, and platforms.
- Of the vendors evaluated, BluePhoenix was the vendor all other vendors agreed was the competition, as well; they offered the most complete service associated with legacy modernization, including testing and training of the client development resource pool on the newly transformed system.
Impact and Result
- Understand what’s changed in the field of modernization and how legacy systems can now be modernized relatively affordably, and in surprisingly short time frames.
- Evaluate legacy modernization vendors and products for your enterprise needs.
- Determine which vendors are most appropriate for particular use cases and scenarios.