
Select an Enterprise Application Software Storyboard

Selecting and implementing an ERP is the most expensive and time-consuming technology transformation an organization can undertake. Effectively plan for, select, and...

Design a VIP Experience for Your Service Desk Storyboard

Design a VIP support model for the service desk that meets the needs of your executives but doesn’t negatively impact service delivery to the rest of the organization by...

Industrial Control System Modernization: Unlock the Value of Automation in Utilities Storyboard

This strategic foresight trends deep-dive report provides practical insights and a readiness checklist to help IT/OT leaders in utilities to plan any ICS modernization...

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT – Phases 1-3

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of IT employees to attract and retain talent.

Establish a Holistic Guest-Facing Mobile App Strategy – Phases 1-3

To truly accomplish the ideal "phygital" mobile app experience, operators must first understand the time and resources required to enable, develop, and maintain a mobile app.

Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide Storyboard

The pandemic and growing younger demographic have shifted the terrain of customer service delivery. Customer service management tools ensure organizations enhance...

Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook – Phases 1-3

This blueprint provides the steps necessary to build your own enterprise application implementation playbook that can be deployed and leveraged by your implementation teams.

Demystify the New PMBOK and PMI Certifications Storyboard

A guide to validate if the PMP is still valuable. It will also provide clarity related to the updated PMBOK 7th edition.

Empower the Venue of the Future With IoT Storyboard

Understand how IoT can provide value back to the business and what IoT applications currently exist, and analyze the specific applications through a value chain analysis...

Reduce Shadow IT With a Service Request Catalog Storyboard

Use this blueprint to create a service request management program that provides immediate value. The template includes the following sections: - Design the Service -...
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