Governance & Management Maturity Scorecard

Governance and management are a major part of getting security right. How do you measure up?

Without the right policies and processes in place and enforced, no organization is truly secure. Info-Tech’s Security Governance and Management scorecard lets you measure your performance against industry standard best practices. Use this report to understand your current strengths and weaknesses, then follow Info-Tech’s customized roadmap of practical and prioritized action items to improve and optimize your security governance and management.

Sample Report

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We’ll help you get set up as soon as you’re ready

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Benefits of the Program

Overall Scorecard

  • Measure success in terms of meeting industry standard best practices. Info-Tech’s Security Framework Model is derived from COBIT and TOGAF, two globally-accepted frameworks used by businesses to optimize the value of IT.
  • Communicate current strengths and successes, and use year over year comparisons to build on these successes and measure long term progress.
  • Identify areas for improvement and optimization, and justify allocation of resources and effort toward these goals.
Security Padlock

Scorecard Roadmap example

Recommended Actions Roadmap

Chart your course to security success. These reports consolidate the customized action items arising from your security governance and management scores, and present this information in a unified and prioritized format to guide your next steps.

Area Report Details

Share end user satisfaction and importance ratings of core IT services, IT communications and business enablement to focus on the right end user groups or lines of business, and ramp up satisfaction and productivity.

Understand your scores on an in-depth level for each security governance and management area:

  • Auditing
  • Compliance Management
  • Event and Incident Management
  • Risk Analysis
  • Security Culture
  • Vulnerability Management

Understand your scores for each policy and process governance area:

  • Servers
  • End User Devices
  • IAM
  • Data
  • Applications
  • Physical
  • Network

Downloads & Supplementary Material

Security Governance Sample Report thumbnail

Sample Report

Info-Tech’s Security Governance and Management Maturity Scorecard is designed to apply to all organizations, regardless of size or industry. Download a preview of the report to see the value it can bring to your organization.

Governance Scorecard Sample Survey thumbnail

Sample Survey

Preview a sample of Info-Tech’s Security Governance and Management Maturity Scorecard survey. This 60 question survey should be completed by your organization’s Chief Security Officer or equivalent, and is designed to be quick and user friendly.

View Sample Survey

Guided Implementation

Info-Tech’s dedicated team of Program Managers will facilitate this Diagnostic program remotely, providing you with a convenient, low effort, high impact experience.

We will guide you through the process with your goals in mind to deliver deep insight into your successes and areas to improve.

What You Get

Let us do the heavy lifting remotely:

  1. Collect necessary inputs and generate your custom survey
  2. Launch, maintain and support the survey in the field
  3. Provide you with response rates throughout the process
  4. Remotely send out reminders to complete the survey
  5. Close the survey when you’re ready
  6. Generate your custom report and provide you with the results fast
  7. Suggest next steps to gathering more information about specific Security areas

Then, let’s explore your results with a 1 hour call with an Executive Advisor to:

  1. Understand your results and draw insights from the data
  2. Start your action plan to address key areas
Start Now

Included In Your Membership*

* Please contact your Account Manager to determine eligibility.

Onsite 5 Day Diagnostic Workshop

Info-Tech Research Group’s expert analysts will come onsite to help you facilitate this Diagnostic program, interpret the results, and help you start to implement change.

We take you through the phases of this process and ensure that you have a road map in place to improve the areas highlighted in your custom report.

What You Get

Engage your IT team onsite at your location in an innovative 5 day Diagnostic Workshop:

  1. Launch and complete the IT Security Diagnostic Program*
  2. Interpret the results of your custom reports
  3. Identify key insights about specific areas, policies or processes
  4. Build an improvement road map
  5. Build alignment and set priorities and accountabilities with your team
  6. Begin executing on the improvement road map:
    • Action items to improve areas of weakness
    • Create and implement policies or processes
    • Begin measuring trends in security incidents
    • Drive improvement in specific security areas
Contact Us

* Due to the nature of this Diagnostic we may recommend that portions of it be initiated prior to the onsite engagement to allow time to complete it.

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