Applications - Videos

Webinar: Automate Testing to Get More Done

Automated testing is a requirement in modern testing practices. However, its success requires more than just a tool. Automation needs...

Webinar: Build an Application Department Strategy

Traditionally, application departments are seen as pure cost centers needed only to keep the lights on. This couldn’t be further from the truth!...

Webinar: Make Your Digital Product Vision More Than Just a Dream

Product groups are under pressure to align the value they provide with the organization’s goals and overall vision. For the groups that struggle,...

Webinar: Embrace Business-Managed Applications

The business wants greater empowerment in the tools and technologies they use. Apply the right practices to manage and address the risks of...

Canadian COVID Alert App Changes Put All App Devs on Notice

Pandemic app changes highlight missed opportunities around data privacy.

Webinar: Select and Use Metrics Effectively

Avoid the common pitfalls associated with metrics by using Info-Tech's TAG approach.

Webinar: Start Value Delivery With the Right Requirements

Requirements inform and set the key business, product, and IT expectations that an upcoming project or change is intended satisfy. Apply the...

Email Reduction

Email can be an addictive and dangerous to enterprise culture and productivity. Take control of the problem by introducing social collaboration...

Integrate Consumer Applications

This video introduces the key driver of personal and unmanaged applications (PUAs) and the potential long term application portfolio strategy to...
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