As new technologies and ways of working emerge, the role of IT changes. So should your job descriptions. Don’t waste time searching online for the perfect job...
Organizations rely on team-based work arrangements to provide organizational benefits and to help them better navigate the VUCA operating environment. A high-performing...
Employee performance measurement is vital to the performance management process. It is informed and impacted by a range of HR activities, including recruitment,...
Virtual work arrangements are increasing, and in many organizations having virtual team members is business as usual. Training managers to become more planful and adjust...
The pandemic introduced many to the importance of running meetings well, whether they are held in person, remotely, or in a hybrid delivery model. You have an opportunity...
Communicate diversity and inclusion concepts and expectations to managers, shift employee mindsets towards inclusion, and examine work practices.
COVID-19 has led to a sudden shift to working from home (WFH), resulting in a 72% decline in in-office work (Ranosa, 2020). While these uncertain times have disrupted...
COVID-19 will have implications on your workforce and how they manage and balance work and life. With schools closed, governments advising on limiting contact with...