This storyboard will help you understand your existing BI environment, assess current capabilities, envision your future state BI, and formulate a comprehensive...
A structured tool to help you evaluate the gap between your current and target state and build a roadmap to ensure success.
A template to help you build a clear and compelling strategy document for stakeholders.
Business intelligence and analytics solutions are becoming increasingly essential tools, transforming organizational data into actionable insights that inform and guide...
This blueprint will help you build a business case for selecting a business intelligence and analytics platform, define key requirements, and conduct a thorough analysis...
Use this storyboard to define a process to pilot generative AI use cases.
Use this template throughout this project to document findings as you conduct and complete assessments and key ideas and opportunities for your BI program.
Mouseflow introduces live heatmaps to its web analytics platform to allow users to gain unique insights from large data sets with just a glance!
Google continues to be an ally in the war against deepfake deception, releasing a large dataset of video deepfakes that it has produced with the intent of helping...
Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should invest in Business Intelligence and Analytics, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can...