Data Change Communication Plan Template

The Data Change Communication Plan will help ensure stakeholders are aware of the data changes happening, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. The...

Big Data Architecture Principles & Guidelines Template

This template provides an effective framework to identify and define big data architecture principles and guidelines.

Pattern Analysis Template

This template will help organizations identify which big data patterns solve which business issues. You can then evaluate the benefits of each pattern, which will help...

eDiscovery Process Communication Plan Template

This communication plan template provides a structure for managing ongoing communications between stakeholders over the course of the project.

eDiscovery Business Case Template

This template is meant to help IT make the case for a formalized eDiscovery process.

Data Provenance Policy

The value of data as an institutional resource is increased through its widespread and appropriate use; its value is diminished through improper sourcing, misuse,...

Data Entry Policy

The integrity and quality of data and evidence used to inform decision making is central to both the short-term and long-term health of the organization.
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