Put a strategy in place to ensure data is available, accessible, well integrated, secured, of acceptable quality, and suitably visualized to fuel organization-wide...
CIOs are under increasing pressure to deliver innovative solutions that align with business goals while maintaining operational efficiency. Composable architecture...
A template deck to provide an overview of the more significant innovations in technology that are driving today’s advanced data architectures.
A step-by-step document that walks you through Info-Tech's three-phase methodology for optimizing data architecture.
Data Discovery and Classification software are tools utilized to help employees enable secure use of and pinpoint the location of sensitive data by employees.
In an Info-Tech LIVE conference session titled “AI Lens – Human to Machine Interface” Dr. Imad Syed from PiLog shared how AI-powered, lean data governance can...
Many Enterprise Architecture (EA) tasks follow structural processes, making them suitable for AI models to learn and execute, although AI tools are not mature enough yet...
In this insightful session, we will discuss the career trajectory from Enterprise Architect to CIO. We will explore the pivotal role that Enterprise Architects play in an...
We need to reframe how we think of and make decisions about our value and the work we do. Discover what a capability is and how starting from the ground up may help you...
In this insightful session, we will discuss the career trajectory from Enterprise Architect to CIO. We will explore the pivotal role that Enterprise Architects play in an...