Education - Higher Education - Storyboard

K-12 Education Industry Reference Architecture Guide

An industry reference architecture is comprised of tools, templates, and a validated view of hotel business capabilities that help CIOs and K-12 education leadership...

Ground Your Institution for Higher Education’s Future Shock Storyboard

Higher education is at an inflection point, where organizational readiness and capability building are essential to keeping pace with evolving technological demands. This...

Optimize Enrollment Management for K-12 Education Storyboard

Realize the value of an effective enrollment management solution, assess the current state of enrollment management processes, and review vendors that will provide...

Prioritize AI Use Cases for Education Storyboard

As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in the education sector, educational institutions need help identifying AI use cases that meet the needs of their...

Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in K-12 Education Storyboard

The K-12 education industry urgently needs to adopt Exponential IT to counter industry disruptions. The report emphasizes understanding four key priorities of Exponential...

Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in Higher Education Storyboard

The higher education industry urgently needs to adopt Exponential IT to counter industry disruptions. The report emphasizes understanding four key priorities of...

Unify IT in the Education Sector – Phases 1-4

This research supports IT leaders in their quest to unify technology services in the education sector.

Optimize the Use of Classroom Technology Buyers Guide

Make the case for learning space transformation, understand key metrics, and identify the current trends in classroom technology and who the major vendors are.

Support Innovation in Educational Technology Storyboard

Work with stakeholders to establish a community of practice for innovation educational technology.

Elevate the Role of the CIO in Higher Education – Phases 1-6

A transformational CIO in higher education actively approaches institutional peers with opportunities for transformation and seeks to co-lead business change. To step...
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