Healthcare Delivery - Templates & Policies

Initiatives Workbook to Establish the Foundations for Commercializing Healthcare IT as an MSP

Use Info-Tech’s IT Initiatives Workbook to prioritize key IT improvement initiatives and develop a technology improvement roadmap as a foundation for commercializing IT.

HIPAA Policy Templates Suite

Use Info-Tech's HIPAA policy templates to ensure your policies are current, clear, concise, and consistent.

COPS Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template in conjunction with the COPS Business Reference Architecture Guide.

Responsible AI Checklist

Internal AI deployment considerations to ensure that public health and healthcare organizations have the resources in place to create a responsible AI solution.

Seven-Step Guide to Getting Started With Responsible AI

Elevating your organization's AI maturity level by taking gradual steps toward responsible AI implementation.

BCP Summary for Healthcare

Your business continuity plan (BCP) is a bundle of documents with different objectives and audiences. Stakeholders don't have time to sift through the details. Summarize...

BCP Recovery Playbook for Healthcare

Recovery playbook helps you document processes and additional details to support BCP.

BCP Recovery Workflow for Healthcare Example

The recovery workflow will help you outline your incident response plan for different scenarios within the healthcare, identify the gaps and risks, and plan to fill these...

BCP Tabletop Planning Template for Healthcare

The tabletop planning template will help you outline your current BCP processes, identify the gaps and plan to fill these gaps.

BCP Business Process Workflows for Healthcare Example

Outline business process workflows and establish steps, dependencies, and alternates for BCP using this example.
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