Healthcare Business Impact Analysis Tool

This disaster recovery planning tool is designed to empower healthcare organizations with a proactive approach to ransomware threats.

COPS Business Reference Architecture Library Tool

Use this library tool to drive innovative solutions in crime prevention with curated value streams, capabilities, and use cases.

Biomedical Device Management Program Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool helps you evaluate the maturity of the current and target capabilities of your biomedical device management program.

AI Maturity Assessment Tool for Precision Medicine

This tool will help you estimate and qualify cost savings and revenue generation for AI use case implementation.

Responsible AI Maturity Assessment and Roadmap Planning Tool

This tool will help you analyze your organization's current- and target-state maturity in AI capabilities and systematically develop a responsible AI roadmap for your...

Implementing Responsible AI Leadership Presentation

A customizable tool for presenting your case for developing responsible AI guiding principles, assessing AI capabilities and readiness, and prioritizing use cases based...

Healthcare IT Outsourcing Decision Workbook

A tool to help you decide which IT services to outsource in alignment with your strategic goals, objectives and IT capabilities.

BCP Business Impact Analysis Tool for Healthcare

Use this tool to conduct and document a business impact analysis for your business continuity plan.

Business Continuity Teams and Roles Tool for Healthcare

Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers. It can be used to track contact information.

BCP Project Roadmap Tool for Healthcare

Building up business continuity capabilities is a marathon; most organizations don't have the resources to mitigate all risks immediately.
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