Considerations for a Move to Virtual Desktops

VDI and DaaS users expect their user experience to be at least equal to that provided by a physical PC, and they do not care about the underlying infrastructure. If the...

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy

A good device is necessary for improving IT satisfaction, but it’s not enough. User support and modernizing applications are the other pivotal factors. With the COVID-19...
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Simplify Remote Deployment With Zero-Touch Provisioning

Adopt zero-touch provisioning to provide better services to your end users. Design the zero-touch experience, update your IT asset management practices, and manage your...
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Stabilize Infrastructure & Operations During Work-From-Anywhere

Shift from the emergency to the next normal.
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Build a Digital Workspace Strategy

The most important aspect of implementing a digital workspace is organizational change management. To truly take advantage of these advertised benefits, IT needs a...
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2020 Enterprise Collaboration Tools: Market Trends and Buyer’s Guide

This blueprint explores the types of collaboration tools available, how this marketspace emerged, and future trends. The Buyer’s Guide offers methods to categorize your...

M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations

Infrastructure and Operations is crucial to the success of any IT integration for a significant merger or acquisition, yet it is often left to a last-minute scramble....
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Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy

Focus on creating a streamlined set of tools that users need and want. Shape demand for these supported tools by engaging with end users long after the initial deployment.
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