Maintain Continuity in a Power Outage

You have critical infrastructure and systems in a location that is prone to power outages. You must maintain service continuity and critical systems, whether it is an...

Business Continuity Management Software Selection Guide

Understand key trends and differentiating features in the business continuity management (BCM) software marketspace to help you find the right fit.

Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing

Reduce costly downtime with a right-sized testing program that improves IT resilience.

Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss

If you still think “it’s in the cloud, so I don’t need to worry about it,” then get your resume ready. When O365 goes down, your executives are calling IT, not Microsoft,...
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Ensure DRP and BCP Compliance With Industry Standards

Don’t let the verbose nature of standards documentation such as NIST, HIPAA, PCI, and others overcomplicate your mandate to ensure your business continuity management...
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Implement Crisis Management Best Practices

Build an effective crisis management plan around a framework that enables your organization to respond to any crisis and manage the impact; from health and safety...
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Microsoft Teams Cookbook

Use Info-Tech’s Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and use Teams. This cookbook includes recipes for IT best practices for governance over Teams rollout...

Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they move back into the office. Once the office...
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Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal”

Many of the organizational changes wrought by COVID-19 are here to stay: enact a plan to adapt to them successfully.
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