DR and Business Continuity - Templates & Policies

Disaster Recovery Testing Program Summary

Use this template to outline your organization's DR testing program.

Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template

Use this template to document a DR test plan.

Cloud Services Resilience Summary

Summarize cloud services risk, risk mitigation options, and incident response for senior leadership.

SaaS Incident Response Workflows

Use these examples to guide your efforts to create cloud incident response workflows.

DRP-BCP Review Workflow

Review your full DR and BC plans annually to identify changes that weren’t captured via day-to-day change management.

DRP Review Checklist

Review the full DR plan annually to identify changes that weren’t captured via day-to-day change management.

Crisis Management Workflow Examples

Build your own crisis management workflows using Info-Tech's examples.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

BCP Pilot Results Presentation

Present initial results from your pilot BCP project and next steps for your BCP initiative.

BCP-DRP Maintenance Checklist

Set a schedule for continuity plan reviews, tests, and updates. Track completed reviews.
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