Use this workbook as a model or first iteration for your homegrown PPM solution. Follow the steps in Info-Tech's Grow Your Own PPM Solution blueprint to populate,...
The role of the Project Manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.
Use the Project Intake and Prioritization Tool as a template to help you track and prioritize project requests.
Develop prioritization practices that will enable IT to focus on the most valuable work and leave the rest behind.
Adopt an intake workflow appropriate to the IT department’s capacity.
Successful project intake doesn't require additional time, administrative overhead, or high PPM maturity. Build intake discipline one step at a time by adopting a...
This executive brief will help build the case for rebalancing project intake one achievable step at a time.
Successful project intake doesn't require additional time, administrative overhead, or high PPM maturity. Build intake discipline one step at a time by adopting a...
Use this template to create an IT steering committee charter.
This executive brief will help you gain buy-in for formalizing a PPM Operating Plan for your small business.