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Types of Content
Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems. |
Document Retention PolicyThe document retention policy ensures that copies of certain documents for legal, regulatory, and/or operations reasons are made, committing companies to good business... |
Server Backup PolicyThe server backup policy protects data from loss or destruction in IT departments within companies. Without a server backup policy, a company’s assets are not as safe as... |
On-Call PolicyThe on-call policy’s purpose is to establish a policy and procedures relating to expectations and compensation for employees required to be placed on on-call status... |
Downtime PolicyThis downtime policy helps create a baseline for what is considered acceptable or planned downtime of system and applications. |
Retention Guidelines for Department StewardsThe retention guidelines for department stewards will outline guidance for the retention and disposition of corporate information and records. |
DR Team Build SheetRecovering from a disaster cannot occur without having key people in place to bring system, equipment, and services back online. Use this worksheet to identify team... |
DRP Test Schedule WorksheetDisaster Recovery (DR) testing is an essential component of any comprehensive DR plan as testing is what ensures that the plan is appropriate, accurate, and contains no... |
DRP Test WorksheetDon't wait until disaster recovery (DR) is invoked to discover weaknesses in DR processes. Run a full test of the enterprise DR plan to uncover flaws before an event... |
Backup Software Vendor Demonstration ScriptThis template is designed to provide backup software vendors with a consistent set of instructions, ensuring an objective comparison of product features, all while... |