Service Benefits

Find the Sources of Backlog Pain
Assess the root cause (or causes) of your backlog disorder and develop a prioritized action plan.

Eliminate Ad Hoc Capacity Consumption
Gain a clear understanding of what your resource capacity is being spent on and manage the backlog within those constraints.

Rid the Backlog of Low-Value Requests
Choose a maintainable approach that focuses on only the most valuable projects.
Project Backlog Rationalization Service

Our Perspective
50% of Any Backlog is Low Value
Most of these requests are “too small to vet” and ended up hiding somewhere in between large strategic projects and operational emergencies.
Appoint a Backlog Curator With a Mandate
Backlogs are mostly managed by technical or business owners. What’s needed is someone with neither technical nor business bias but with a mandate to ensure that value and feasibility are validated.
Avoid a False Sense of Stakeholder Urgency
Requests are often unaware of the alternatives or the broader business picture. Teach stakeholders to avoid self-interests and half-baked ideas.
Service Overview
Cut your list of unstarted projects down to a more manageable level and keep it down.
Evaluate Intake Management Process
Assess the root cause (or causes) of your backlog disorder and develop a prioritized action plan.
Examine Ad Hoc Capacity Consumption
Gain a clear understanding of what your resource capacity is being spent on and manage the backlog within those constraints.
Rationalize the Project Backlog
Choose a maintainable approach that rids the backlog of low-value requests.