Principal Research Director, IT Financial Management Practice

About Jennifer Perrier

Jennifer has 25 years of experience in the information technology and human resources research space, joining Info-Tech in 1998 as the first research analyst with the company. Over the years, she has served as a research analyst and research manager, as well as in a range of roles leading the development and delivery of offerings across Info-Tech’s product and service portfolio including workshops and the launch of Industry roundtables and benchmarking. She was also Research Lead for McLean & Company, the HR advisory division of Info-Tech, during its startup years.

Jennifer’s research expertise spans the areas of IT strategic planning, governance, policy and process management, people management, leadership, organizational change management, performance benchmarking, and cross-industry IT comparative analysis. She has produced and overseen the development of hundreds of publications across the full breadth of both the IT and HR domains in multiple industries. In 2022, Jennifer joined Info-Tech’s IT Financial Management Practice with a focus on developing financial transparency to foster meaningful dialogue between IT and its stakeholders and drive better technology investment decisions.

Prior to joining Info-Tech, Jennifer worked as a Liaison Officer for Western University’s Faculty of Information and Media Studies, where she participated in developing the faculty’s first website. In addition to her experience in the higher education sector, she has also worked in the professional services, healthcare, technology, and retail industries.

Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Guelph and a Master of Library and Information Science from Western University.

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Info-Tech Research Group
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