Senior Director, Executive Services
About John Kemp
John, as an Executive Advisor, is accountable for value recognition among our client’s leadership teams. By helping to unlock client potential through Info-Tech’s tools and services, John supports ongoing incremental improvement of client’s success stories with their primary stakeholders and partners.
During John’s 40-year career in technology, John has been the CIO of Grant Thornton in Canada and a Vice President of “I and O” and Service Delivery at CIBC Mellon. Having served in the military, worked in Telecommunications with AT&T Canada, Entertainment with Alliance Atlantis, and as an entrepreneur in his own consultancy, John has developed experience across a broad range of industries, addressing challenges to technology improvement and delivery in government and private sector environs.
John comes to Info-Tech having worked with CXO-level executives across multiple business lines. Whether migrating to digital solutions, averting cost, enriching vendor management and budgetary functions, or building business integrated technology strategies, John can provide insight and direct clients to supporting Info-Tech Research Group experts. John’s experience with organizational turn-around, governance, risk & controls, and security supports technology delivery integration with business success. John served on Global CIO and Service Quality Councils and Advisory Boards during his professional career and has experience in managing distributed organizations and global concerns.