Practice Lead, Security & Privacy

27 Years in IT

About Kate Wood

Kate Wood is a Practice Lead in Security & Privacy, with a primary focus on helping clients align security activities to business objectives through strategic planning, risk management, compliance management, and policy development.

Kate has 25 years of experience in IT and information security, principally within the financial industry. Prior to joining Info-Tech Research Group, she spent six years managing the information security office for a global insurance and investments enterprise. In this role Kate led a team of analysts providing cybersecurity services across multiple companies and jurisdictions and was responsible for information security governance, vulnerability and penetration testing, security awareness, risk assessments, and security assurance during mergers and acquisitions. Kate’s expertise encompasses all aspects of security risk management, including compliance, control framework design, vendor risk management, and threat modeling. In addition, Kate has experience in security operations, security technologies, threat intelligence, and incident response.

Ms. Wood has a master’s degree in Cyber Security from the University of Essex, and holds numerous security certifications including Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC). She has also earned a Professional Certificate in Management from Western University.

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