Blockchain Use Case Evaluation Tool

Author(s): Nicholas Lorenzi

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The Blockchain Use Case Evaluation Tool will help you build an inventory of blockchain use cases for your organization and identify the tools and components of your business architecture that can justify the decision to develop one of them. Select the optimal use case to pursue by comparing your options across three design thinking tactics: desirability, feasibility, and viability.

The tool contains the following tabs:

Tab 2: Idea Generation. This tab provides a template for recording the blockchain use cases you brainstormed during the business model canvas and journey mapping activities.

Tab 3: Viability Comparison. This tab contains a questionnaire that runs through the decision process for determining whether each blockchain use case aligns with your business environment to help validate it.

Tab 4: Feasibility Matrix. This tab assesses each use case's dependence on other parties and the interoperability of your current systems to understand if the proposed blockchain solution can be seamlessly integrated into your business environment.

Tab 5: Desirability Analysis. This tab focuses on estimating what the business value of each use case will be by estimating a return-on-investment (ROI) figure.

Tab 6: Results. This tab provides a comprehensive view of each use case, considering the results from each of the previous tabs in hopes of ranking them against one another and identifying the optimal use case for further consideration.

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