College students are living in environments that increasingly require regular interaction with information technology and data.
Students are aware of data protection risks and take privacy seriously. Some personal identifiers, such as email addresses, can be easily replaced. But biometric information such as fingerprints and facial geometry scans are unique. Students' strong belief in the protection of sensitive personal information stems from a desire to protect themselves from privacy risks and harm that may last for the rest of their lives.
With a veritable explosion of data breaches highlighted almost daily across the globe, and the introduction of heavy-handed privacy laws and regulatory frameworks, privacy has taken center stage. Students care about their data privacy, and this concern is increasing.
This leaves leaders in the education section questioning what exactly privacy involves and how to make it scalable for their respective institutes. As the general public begins to take back control over data privacy so too should education institutions, by taking a tactical, measurable approach to privacy and the business.