Data Center Relocation Quality Assurance Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

Author(s): Melanie Davy

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Quality assurance is an essential aspect to data center relocation planning. The QA team’s plan must be aligned with the moving team to help ensure a seamless transition of service to the business. Establish a list of tasks and timelines for the data center relocation to ensure the QA team is on time and on target for testing, before and on the day of the move.

Complete with an example of QA project management, planning, and moving day tasks and timelines, this tool will help you:

  • Document a data center relocation project plan specifically for the QA team.
  • Identify QA team prerequisite planning.
  • Track and log issues and resolutions.
  • Align QA processes and testing plans with the move team.
  • Monitor QA team performance and allocate tasks.

Use this tool to get the QA team organized and ensure systems are ready to go after the move.

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Move a Data Center

Moving the data center is best described as a controlled disaster where minute-by-minute planning is critical to success.

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