Design and Sustain a Purposeful IT Culture – Executive Brief

Author(s): Rebecca Factor

Our Recommendation

  • IT leaders need to clarify how the culture they want will help achieve their strategy and choose values to focus on that will have maximum impact.

Client Challenge

  • There is confusion about how to translate culture from an abstract concept to something that is measurable, actionable, and process driven.
  • Organizations lack clarity about who is accountable and responsible for culture, with groups often pointing fingers at each other.

Critical Insight

  • When it comes to culture, the lived experience can be different from stated values. Culture is a pattern of behaviors and the way work is done rather than simply perks, working environment, and policy.
  • IT leaders’ active participation in culture change is paramount. If leaders aren’t willing to change the way they behave, attempts to shift the culture will fail.
  • Elevate culture to a business imperative. Foster a culture that is linked to strategy rather than trying to replicate the hot culture of the moment.
  • Target values that will have the greatest impact. Select a few focus values as a guide and align all behaviors and IT practices to those values.
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