Digital Signage and Passenger Information Customer Journey Mapping Tool

Author(s): Kevin Tucker

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Use this tool to map out your specific customer journeys and the opportunities for new technological solutions that will enhance their customer experiences.


22Miles, 24/7, 360-degree experience, Booking process, Bus, Bus stop, Customer Interaction, Daktronics, Define your digital business strategy, Depot, Digital signage system, Dise, Dispatch, Dysten, Engagement, GPS, Hanover Displays, IPTV providers, IPTV solution, IPTV system, IPTV vendors, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Market Demand, Mileage Rate, Must-Arrive By Date (MABD), Nomad Digital, Novisign, Optisigns, PRO:IDIOM, Para transport, Passenger WIFI, Passio, Payment, Ping HD, Poppulo, Prepaid, Rail, Rapid application selection framework, Routing Guide, SAT NAV, Strategic signs, Televic, Transactional, Transparency for Customers, Transportation Technology Trends, Tripleplay, UBI Transport, VIP Customers, VITEC, Value-Added Partner, Where to get help, Yodeck, automated signpost, benefits of IPTV, benefits of digital signage, billboards, cancellations, cashless payment, cleaning digital signage, community, content partners, customer, customer feedback, customer journey, customer persona, customer satisfaction surveys, data and analytics, digital display systems, digital signage, digital signage advertising, digital signage best practices, digital signage business opportunity, digital signage concept, digital signage display/displays, digital signage effectiveness, digital signage insights, digital signage maintenance, digital signage marketing strategy, digital signage providers, digital signage software solutions, digital signage solution, digital signage solutions/solution, digital signage strategy, digital signage tools, digital signage vendors, digital signs for business, digital transformation, dwell time per customer, easy to read, emergencies, entertainment, hassle-free, head-up display, immersive experiences, immersive passenger experience, immersive travel experiences, innovative and safe, instant feedback, interactive digital signage, interactive experiences, interactive mirrors, low power consumption, loyalty, marquee displays, meeting spaces, mobile application, mobile everywhere, network security, paratransit, passenger counting, passenger information solutions, passenger information system/systems, personal experience, personalization for customers, public transport, quality, rapid transit, real-time dashboard, real-time information, seat assignment, seat mounted entertainment, seat reservation, smart digital signage, transit experiences, transportation department, travel, video walls, wayfinding, wheelchair access

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