DRP Case Study of a Global Chemical Manufacturing Firm

Author(s): Jennifer Perrier, Vince Londini, David Piazza


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The Americas IT department of a global chemical manufacturing firm had made significant strides in building redundancy and resiliency within the environment. However, little had been done to define, assess, and prioritize recovery objectives or document recovery plans.

The IT team risked not being able to meet IT recovery targets in a serious disaster. They sought to develop a process for evaluating and prioritizing systems, and design a recovery process that met business and financial needs.

Summary & Success

  • Identified critical applications and dependencies.
  • Assessed existing DR strategies and challenges at the firm, specifically loopholes in the current approach.
  • Conducted a Business Impact Analysis, estimated the cost of downtime, and identified required recovery objectives.
  • Carried out risk/impact assessments for selected applications, including the firm’s ERP implementation.
  • Documented an incident response plan in the event of a disaster.
  • Developed a longer-term DR technology roadmap.

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