37 Pages
Having a highly skilled and capable staff is one of the most important factors in an IT department's ability to deliver solid support to the enterprise. Competitive compensation is critical in hiring and retaining the kind of staff who can make this happen.
As IT budgets improve, the need for this process will only increase. This Info-Tech report, "Framework for Setting IT Salaries," provides IT decision makers with a structured approach to balancing strategic staffing against salary requirements. Highlights from this report include:
- Detailed results from surveys conducted by Info-Tech on its client base.
- Budget and staffing trends from an SME standpoint.
- Understanding job requirements and matching them to specific skill sets.
- How to research salary benchmark resources.
- IT job description and salary-setting templates.
Bottom Line
Setting a salary range is not an exact science, but rather an estimate. The detailed justification of this estimate will inform negotiations with applicants, current staff, budget officers, and human resources personnel. Apply this framework to help establish meaningful salary ranges and aid recruitment efforts.