Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain – Phase 2: Build and Evaluate an Inventory of Use Cases

Author(s): Nicholas Lorenzi

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This phase will take you through the process of brainstorming a set of blockchain use cases, identifying the best idea, and articulating your findings to key stakeholders. Gain support from business executives to begin prototyping your proposed solution by following these steps:

  1. Create a business model canvas to understand your organization's key activities.
  2. Identify pain points of the counterparties involved in the key activities to ideate blockchain solutions around them.
  3. Understand design thinking principles and apply them to evaluate the inventory of use cases.
  4. Select the optimal use case and present it to business stakeholders using Info-Tech's Prototype One Pager.

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Go the Extra Mile With Blockchain

Explore the disruptive potential of blockchain in the transportation and logistics industry.

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