Grow Your Own PPM Solution – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Travis Duncan, David Lee, Marcus Gverzdys


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You need a project portfolio management tool that promotes the maintenance and flow of good data to help you succeed in these tasks. Commercial vendors offer powerful and compelling options, but they are costly and, in order to generate usable data, require a consistency of adoption that, historically, your teams haven’t be able to sustain. This blueprint will help you implement a homegrown PPM solution with powerful project portfolio analytics by following our three-phase methodology:

  • Right-size your homegrown PPM solution.
  • Get to know Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017, an Excel-based PPM solution that leverages powerful business intelligence capability that's already in your computer.
  • Design and implement the processes with which your homegrown PPM solution will be used to support your PPM activities.

This research is designed for PMO directors and CIOs who are looking to implement an effective, affordable, and adaptable PPM solution, as well as those who are looking to complement existing PPM solutions that address organization-specific needs.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Grow Your Own PPM Solution

46% of organizations use a homegrown PPM solution. Here’s a better way to do it.

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