How to Work With the Archi Open Source Architecture Software

Author(s): Andrew Neill, Ben Abrishami-Shirazi

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Using an enterprise architecture tool correctly has many important benefits:

  1. Several architects can work on the same model at the same time (with a repository).
  2. You can standardize on the enterprise architecture language (Archimate 3 in this case).
  3. You can have multiple viewpoints on a single model.
  4. There is a single source of truth for your architectural components.
  5. The model is searchable, giving a richer enterprise architecture experience.
  6. The product has the Archimate 3 metamodel built in, which ensures you comply to standard modeling techniques.
  7. Standard viewpoints are built in, giving quick and easy visibility to focal points of your model.
  8. Archi is built by the Open Group, so it’s intrinsically aligned to TOGAF and AAF.

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