Industry-Specific BIA Guidelines

Author(s): Frank Trovato

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Take a more practical approach to assessing business impact and defining appropriate RTOs/RPOs. Info-Tech’s BCP Business Impact Analysis Tool and process expedites the effort compared to the traditional approach to keep the work manageable.

The key to an effective streamlined BIA is establishing a scoring scale that reflects the organization’s specific business. The attachments provide guidelines for industry-specific business impact assessments:

  • BCP BIA Scoring Guidelines Overview: Provides case-study examples of industry-specific scoring guidelines. The examples cover a few select industries. Leverage the examples and concepts to define your scoring guidelines.
  • Scoring Criteria (for a few example industries): Copy the scoring criteria into the Scoring Criteria tab in Info-Tech’s BCP Business Impact Analysis Tool and then adjust values as needed for your organization. For organizations not covered by here, use these examples as a guideline for the types of specific considerations you can include in your BIA.

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