Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Eric Cabral


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Follow this blueprint to learn how to easily identify the AI initiatives that your organization is best positioned to implement and learn how to build the business case for AI in your manufacturing organization. The template includes the following sections:

  • Analyze Capabilities & Identify an AI Initiative: Understand the AI initiatives you can currently undertake based on your capabilities.
  • Build the Case for AI & Develop Processes: Select an AI initiative to undertake and build a business case for the project.
  • Ensure Long-Term Vision & Support for AI: Gain support for your AI initiative through the use of effective communications and project roadmapping.

Begin your journey towards implementing AI in your manufacturing operations by selecting an AI initiative you are currently poised to undertake, building the business case for the project, and gaining support from key stakeholders.

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