Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Nurith Rochon, Liam Grue, Rachel D'Hollander


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Follow this blueprint to create a strategic roadmap that will improve the capabilities of your data architecture practice.

This blueprint includes 3 phases:

  1. Create a Data Architecture Vision
  2. Assess Data Architecture Capabilities
  3. Develop a Data Architecture Roadmap

At the heart of this blueprint is a diagnostic assessment; complete it to develop a strong understanding of baseline capabilities and define a target "to be" framework.

The Data Architecture roadmap at the end of this blueprint will enable you to build a fit-for purpose Data Architecture practice and create a data delivery architecture that harmonizes traditional and modern architectural opportunities.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results

Enable the business to achieve operational excellence, client intimacy, and product leadership with an innovative, agile, and fit-for-purpose data architecture practice.

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