Portfolio Administrator

Author(s): Ugbad Farah

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The Portfolio Administrator role is focused on the consistent flow of current, accurate, and usable information from the steering committee to the PMO and project managers and vice versa. The steering committee concerns itself with oversight of existing projects (active, pending, frozen, and recently completed). The Portfolio Administrator is tasked with the timely collection and/or validation of status information from project managers to support this essential activity. The steering committee also requires a perpetually current and usable forecast of resource capacity. The Portfolio Administrator is tasked with collecting and updating projections of project timing and resource allocations for the upcoming 6-month period in order to provide that capacity forecast. This data comes from both PMO leadership (for pending and frozen projects) and project managers (for active projects). Capacity forecasting includes reconciliation of past resource allocations against realized capacity based on input from project managers and project teams. The successful candidate will manage the company’s project and portfolio information technology systems for configuration of software options, curation of data, and preparation/presentation of reporting.

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