Your bank is concerned about protecting personally identifiable information (PII), which is one of its most valuable assets. PII is present throughout your data; keeping it safe is essential to retain customer trust and regulatory compliance.
AI/ML use has elevated the demand for data, much of which may occur outside of your bank. Data usage for analytics and reporting has traditionally occurred inside your bank, whereas AI/ML is often outside.
You bank is unsure of the best approach to protect its PII. Traditional methods of access controls are no longer effective as AI/ML require access to large data sets to create value for your bank.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- The use of AI is new in your bank, your employees are eager to explore and try new ideas, but they don’t understand how AI uses and permanently stores data.
- AI presents new challenges for your bank that have not been considered before. Your bank doesn’t have formal acceptable use policies, your employees don’t fully understand how AI works, and your data security did not consider applications like AI.
- You are learning about the challenges AI present, but you are not sure of potential solutions. New processes and applications will secure your PII and assure you remain secure and compliant.
Impact and Result
You must implement several changes to your bank to secure PII and educate about AI:
- Employee training on AI and its use is essential within the bank and perhaps to influence overall culture.
- You must scan your existing systems and data to locate PII then encrypt or tokenize it. New tools have been created to scan your local, on-premises, and cloud storage to identify existing PII that needs to be retroactively encrypted or tokenized
- All new PII collected by your bank must immediately be encrypted or tokenized. Real-time encryption or tokenization will secure your future.