Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phases 1-5

Author(s): Aaron Shum, Sandi Conrad, John Annand, Cassandra Cooper, Frank Sargent, Fred Chagnon


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Everything has shifted, and IT is expected to remain adaptive and supportive. Use this research to help your IT team seamlessly transition employees back in to the office.

  • Evaluate risk tolerance.
  • Prepare to repatriate people to the office.
  • Prepare to repatriate assets to the office.
  • Prepare to repatriate workloads to the office.
  • Prioritize your tasks and build your roadmap.

Take an approach that considers all key vectors within the organization as pillars of IT’s new normal.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

Make sure your IT operations can support safe reopening of offices post COVID-19 pandemic.

Create a Work-From-Anywhere Strategy

Ensure short-term survivability while working toward near-term innovation.

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