SaaS Readiness Assessment

Author(s): Mauricio Rodriguez

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IT leaders that attempt to implement a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) system without adequate planning are setting the project up for failure. Introducing SaaS into an enterprise requires careful preparation in terms of overall needs and expectations, process, people, and technology.

IT managers can use the ITA Premium SE “SaaS Readiness Assessment” tool to determine whether or not the enterprise is sufficiently prepared for SaaS. This tool includes:

  • Assessment questions. A total of 17 questions that address specific crucial areas to prepare for SaaS in terms of overall needs and expectations, process, people, and technology.
  • A readiness assessment section. This section analyzes the overall score and provides a final answer about whether or not the enterprise is ready to get into a SaaS contract. This section also recommends next steps for the IT manager to move forward on, depending on each course of action.

For more information about SaaS refer to the ITA Premium SE notes, “What Exactly Is SaaS?” and “Are You Ready for Software-as-a-Service?"


This downloadable tool is associated with the research note, "Are You Ready for Software-as-a-Service?"

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