Select, Implement, or Change a Resource & Patient Management System – Phases 1-5

Author(s): Larry Fretz, Viktor Popov


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A Resource & Patient Management System (RPMS) solution can help your healthcare organization improve the quality and availability of service to patients, provide improved insights and reporting, and assist with cash flow. With a wide range of options and nearly 160 modules you, the buyer, must be careful in selecting the right solution to meet the needs of your organization. This research will help you:

  • Ensure the organization’s IT capabilities support the evolving business needs.
  • Understand the RPMS landscape and scenarios.
  • Understand and articulate the benefits of implementing an RPMS.
  • Develop an RFP and select a vendor.
  • Deploy your RPMS (or specific module).
  • Continuously monitor and improve your RPMS.

Many organizations are implementing this solution because of its benefits. This research will ensure that you are able to reap all of those benefits and provide the best care possible to your patients while maximizing the flow of cash to fund further growth.

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