- Organizations often do not know where to start with an ERP project.
- They focus on tactically selecting and implementing the technology.
- ERP projects are routinely reported as going over budget, over schedule, and failing to realize any benefits.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- An ERP strategy is an ongoing communication tool for the business.
- Accountability for ERP success is shared between IT and the business.
- An actionable roadmap provides a clear path to benefits realization.
Impact and Result
- Align the ERP strategy and roadmap with business priorities, securing buy-in from the business for the program.
- Identification of gaps, needs, and opportunities in relation to business processes; ensuring the most critical areas are addressed.
- Assess alternatives for the critical path(s) most relevant to your organization’s direction.
- Develop a roadmap that promotes structure and accountability by categorizing and prioritizing work initiatives, and by identifying resources, timelines, and investment.
Member Testimonials
After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve. See our top member experiences for this blueprint and what our clients have to say.
Overall Impact
Average $ Saved
Average Days Saved
$ Saved
Days Saved
City of Winter Park
Guided Implementation
Ricardo is very knowledgeable.
County Of Rockdale
Guided Implementation
No worst Parts. The presentation raised questions that we had not considered for the RFP process, Procurement, and Implementation. Working with t... Read More
Effectus Ltd
Guided Implementation
Was good to know that we there was no magic answer for the specialist needs of local government. Appreciated getting talked through the materials.
Virginia Department of Health
Guided Implementation
The knowledge and understanding were awesome and I am so excited to have this at our fingertips to help ensure success here at VDH!