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Choose the Right Development Platform for Enterprise Mobile Applications

While developing a mobile web app affords legacy carryover, you need to consider a native/hybrid app if you require access to device-specific features.

  • Businesses realize the perceived value of implementing mobile applications in improving productivity and reach of day-to-day business and IT operations. As a result, business strategies and objectives are being directed towards mobile as seen in large initiatives.
  • Mobile technologies have matured to a point where mobile devices and platforms can be used to execute key enterprise processes.
  • Mobile devices are in your workplace and employees are actively looking for ways to integrate traditional enterprise apps with their device.
  • Outsourcing mobile development to agencies has often been considered when internal skills, processes, and technologies were not readily available.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Incorporating mobile access with your existing traffic can stress your existing back-end infrastructure. The increased traffic will introduce new network scalability and security issues.
  • Enterprise mobile applications require support from legacy applications and systems to operate. End users need the ability to view and access back-end data which presents integration and security challenges.
  • Use a mobile web platform to minimize disruptions to your existing development process and technical stack while addressing business needs. If you have to go native for hardware access, then select a a hybrid development model to abstract away from coding language differences.
  • Always map your future trajectory. Your mobile platform needs to grow lockstep with non-mobile initiatives to avoid architecture fragmentation.

Impact and Result

  • Implementing mobile development on any platform requires analysis of the current technical stack to assess reusability with mobile technologies. Development teams must look for ways to leverage existing toolsets and mid-tier and back-end support in order to minimize costs and maximize ROI.
  • Lessons learned from traditional web development can be applied to mobile development, maximizing reusability and operating within constrained budgets.
  • Selecting the right development, testing, and deployment tools for mobile development can help reuse existing processes and technologies to catch and fix bugs and defects early in the SDLC.

Choose the Right Development Platform for Enterprise Mobile Applications Research & Tools

1. Ensure there is the right motivation for mobile development

Gain an understanding of the business drivers, opportunities, and challenges with mobile.

2. Structure the project

Create a project charter to gain the go-ahead for the mobile platform implementation.

3. Gather and analyze user stories and use cases

Elicit user stories from stakeholders and break them down to functional use cases.

4. Select the mobile platform that aligns with user stories and IT drivers

Choose the ideal mobile platform with an enterprise and user-centric approach.

5. Design a mobile development tool chain

Select mobile development tools.

6. Create metrics and implementation plan

Plan to install, configure, test and instrument the mobile platform.

7. Evaluate the mobile platform post-implementation

Determine the success of the mobile platform and identify techniques to improve its execution.

While developing a mobile web app affords legacy carryover, you need to consider a native/hybrid app if you require access to device-specific features.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 1-phase advisory process. You'll receive 5 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

  • Call 1: Decide if it is go or no-go to move forward with mobile platform selection and implementation

    Get off to a productive start: Determine if your organization has the right fit for mobile development. Review your mobile platform selection and implementation project charter. Develop a strategy to secure stakeholder approval.

  • Call 2: Gather mobile user stories and perform a use case review

    Review your user stories and use cases: Discuss the key mobile functional requirements you need out of your target mobile platform. Info-Tech will also review your use cases and verify their clarity and value.

  • Call 3: Design your target mobile platform and development tool chain

    Assess your mobile architecture: Once you have compiled your technical requirements and identified your target state of your mobile stack, Info-Tech will review your architecture and discuss potential pain points, risks, and mitigations.

  • Call 4: Create a mobile platform implementation plan

    Review the major milestones in your implementation plan: Receive Info-Tech input on your strategy for project steps, such as integration, data migration, security, configurations, and end-user training.

  • Call 5: Perform a mobile platform post-implementation review

    Review your metrics monitoring and stack optimization plan: Discuss the lessons learned from the implementation and operations of your mobile platform and tips to optimize your mobile stack.


Andrew Kum-Seun

Altaz Valani

Search Code: 75838
Last Revised: August 28, 2014

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