IT World Canada: IBM mainframe automation on a tight budget

(13-Mar-2012)  Ottawa-based Exspans Systems Inc. provides ultra-low cost IBM mainframe automation software to those in need

A small Canadian company is helping cash-strapped schools, hospitals and public institutions keep their big iron humming.

Owning and operating a mainframe has never been cheap. Forget the initial cost of buying one: you’ll be paying big bucks in upgrades, licensing fees and of course, having your IT staff program and operate the machines. And with the old guard of mainframe pros retiring, and the difficulty in getting a new generation interested in the mainframe world, it’s only getting harder to find the right people. 

Mainframe automation software can ease some of the burden on your IT staff. And if you’re a big bank, you can probably afford the hundreds of thousands it costs to buy it from the likes of CA Technologies Inc. or BMC Software Inc.

But what if you’re budget-conscious Canadian hospital?

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