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Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in K-12 Education

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for relevance and resiliency in today’s environment.

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  • Resource constraints complicate technology funding as schools struggle to attract IT professionals and train the ones they have.
  • Robust data governance models are needed not only to protect student privacy but also to enable data as a value driver for directing strategy.
  • There is resistance to pedagogic change as technologies challenge traditional teaching methods. Moreover, integrating exponential technologies effectively requires ongoing training for educators.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

K-12 education institutions struggle to balance the need for cost optimization in a straitened environment while investing in technology to remain competitive and relevant. IT leaders must no longer be spectators of innovation; they must become strategic institutional partners to the organization’s success. Through visionary guidance, Exponential IT should be explored and adopted to secure a strong position within the evolving landscape of the K-12 industry.

Impact and Result

  • Recognize the urgency of adopting Exponential IT within the K-12 industry to combat industry disruptions.
  • Comprehend the four priorities of Exponential IT transformation in the K-12 industry that are being adopted today to remain resilient within the market.
  • Acknowledge the foundational capabilities and maturity required to begin an effective Exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.

Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in K-12 Education Research & Tools

1. Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in K-12 – Adopting Exponential IT is critical for institutional growth and sustainability

K-12 education urgently needs to adopt Exponential IT to counter industry disruptions. The report emphasizes understanding four key priorities of Exponential IT transformation, including foundational capabilities, maturity, and steps to achievement.

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Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in K-12 Education

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for relevance and resiliency in today's environment.

Analyst perspective

Enable value creation through Exponential IT.

From digitizing service models to computerizing operations and the new influx of artificial intelligence processing, information technology will drastically change the operations of K-12.

Opportunities are multiplying at an exponential rate, thanks to the rapid pace of technological change. To make the most of these impending opportunities, IT executives will need to transform into institutional leaders who can unlock advanced value and insights for their schools and districts.

With the exponential technologies come accompanying risks, both externally through increased security risks and internally through the challenges of deploying these expensive technologies effectively. In the world of Exponential IT, where new skills and capacities are needed, innovation readiness is often still a mystery.

It is imperative for technology leaders in K-12 education to grasp the main priorities of Exponential IT transformation to stay competitive in today's challenging environment. Recognizing and integrating core foundational capabilities are considered crucial initial steps in starting a successful Exponential IT transformation, resulting in the generation of value for all stakeholders in K-12 education.

A picture of Mark Maby

Mark Maby
Principal Research Director for the Education Sector
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive summary

Your challenge

Resource constraints complicate technology funding, as schools struggle to attract IT professionals and train the ones they have.

Robust data governance models are needed not only to protect student privacy, but also to enable data as a value driver for directing strategy.

There is resistance to pedagogic change as technologies challenge traditional teaching methods. Moreover, integrating exponential technologies effectively requires ongoing training for educators.

Common obstacles

Cultural change is complicated in K-12. Introduction of exponential technologies requires management of expectations and of change.

The ability to capitalize on data is becoming increasingly critical to keep up the pace with the shifting economy.

Security pressures will demand technological innovation and consume an increasingly larger proportion of school budgets.

Info-Tech's approach

Recognize the urgency of adopting Exponential IT within the K-12 education industry to combat industry disruptions.

Comprehend the four priorities of Exponential IT transformation in K-12 education that are being adopted today to remain competitive within the market.

Acknowledge the foundational capabilities and maturity required to begin an effective Exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.

Info-Tech Insight

K-12 institutions struggle to balance the need for cost optimization in a straitened environment while investing in technology to remain competitive and relevant. IT leaders must no longer be spectators of innovation, but strategic institutional partners to the organization's success. Through visionary guidance, Exponential IT should be explored and adopted to secure a strong position within the evolving landscape of the K-12 industry.

What is Exponential IT?

Exponential IT is a framework defined by Info-Tech Research Group.

The technology curve has recently bent exponentially.

Generative AI has been the catalyst for this sudden shift, but there are more and more new technologies emerging (e.g. quantum computing, 5G), putting significant pressure on all organizations.

Improving the educational experience is imperative. IT leaders and school administrators must address the demands of students and guardians by adopting new technologies that improve education outcomes.

Our framework instructs all IT leaders on how to transform their organization and elevate their value-creation capabilities, to close the gap between the exponential progression of technological change and the linear progression of IT's ability to successfully manage that change.

This research allows IT leaders to understand the industry-specific priorities for Exponential IT and begin an effective Exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.


Your Exponential IT Journey

To keep pace with the exponential technology curve, adopt an Exponential IT mindset and practices. Assess your organization's readiness and embark on a transformation journey. This report will provide greater insights to help you build your Exponential IT Roadmap.

To access all Exponential IT research, visit the Exponential IT Research Center
Go to this link

Adopt an Exponential IT Mindset

Explore the Art of the Possible

Gauge Your Organizational Readiness

Build an Exponential IT Roadmap

Embark on Your Exponential IT Journey

Info-Tech resources: Exponential IT Research Center, Research Center Overview, and Keynote

Info-Tech resources: Exponential IT research blueprints for nine IT domains

Info-Tech resource: Exponential IT Readiness Diagnostic

Info-Tech resource: Develop an Exponential IT Roadmap blueprint

Info-Tech resources: Ongoing and tactical domain-level research and insights

The focus of this report

Repeat annually

Repeat annually

The pace of technological change will continue to increase exponentially in K-12 education

IT must solve the problem of rapidly and exponentially increasing expectations.

Organizations are adopting exponential technologies at an accelerated rate due to the rapidly changing landscape. Traditional linear IT is no longer viable to sustain IT's place as the leading technology provider for their organization.

Failure to launch will leave you far behind. The chasm between the organization's desire to harness technology and IT's ability to deliver it will continue to widen.

The challenges with traditional linear IT:

  1. Slow to adapt to more modern service delivery models
  2. Processes and decision-making that can't accelerate to meet demand
  3. Transactional arms-length relationships with organization units and vendors
  4. Insufficient funding and focus on technology innovation
  5. Locked into a siloed and hierarchical operating model

The Case for Exponential IT

IT needs to fundamentally transform the way it is operating in the following ways:

  1. Build an Adaptive Delivery Model: Enable flexible and efficient delivery of products and services.
  2. Optimize & Autonomize Operations: Maximize efficiency while mitigating risks through intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making.
  3. Broker Strategic Relationships: Strengthen and build both external and internal relationships to better align IT capabilities to organizational goals.
  4. Embrace Digital Innovation: Evaluate and adopt solutions that drive consumer value, enterprise growth, and innovation.
  5. Cultivate Workforce Flexibility: Dismantle traditional jobs and hierarchies, normalize new collaborative ways of working, and adopt a federated and hybrid IT operating model.

K-12 education has significant challenges in adopting Exponential IT

Resource Constraints and Funding:

  • Limited budgets and funding models: K-12 schools face budget constraints, complicating technology funding. Investment models may deprioritize tech, affecting the acquisition of essential tools and infrastructure.
  • Staffing and talent shortages: K-12 schools struggle to attract and retain IT professionals due to competitive sectors offering better pay and benefits, despite rising demand for technology skills.

Viewing Technology as an Enabler:

  • Data governance and privacy: Establishing robust data governance models is essential to protecting student privacy and complying with regulations (e.g. FERPA). K-12 institutions must balance data-driven decision-making with privacy concerns.
  • Leadership buy-in and vision: School administrators and district leaders play a crucial role in driving technology adoption. A clear vision for how technology enhances operational and pedagogic outcomes is necessary to overcome resistance.

Resistance to Pedagogic Change:

  • Educational paradigm shifts: Implementing exponential technologies challenges traditional teaching methods and classroom dynamics. Educators and guardians may resist changes that disrupt established practices.
  • Teacher professional development: Integrating exponential technologies effectively requires ongoing training for educators. Teachers need support to adapt their teaching methods and use technology for student engagement and personalized learning.

of K-12 IT struggle to support classroom technology.

Source: CoSN, 2023

Only 17%

of pre-service teachers are taught to use data in their educator preparation program.

Source: Fallahkhair, Data Quality Campaign, 2019.

Improvement by 17%

Student reading outcomes improve when technology is exclusively used by teachers, rather than students or both.

Source: Bryant, et. al. McKinsey & Co., 2020

K-12 education must expand its vision to remain viable both technologically and pedagogically

Despite lagging other industries, technology will transform K-12 education as much as any other.

  1. Efficiency and cost reduction balanced with investment in the students
    • K-12 education will need to use advanced technology for streamlining processes; integrate software systems to minimize overlap.
    • IT will collaborate closely with school boards and directors to make investment choices affecting student outcomes.
  2. The CIO's role will expand as operations become more technologically dependent
    • CIOs will take charge of a wider array of tech-centric operations, embracing an expanded purview.
    • Technology will increasingly integrate into educational infrastructure, making the CIO's role more strategic.
  3. Cultural change will require partnership and collaboration across departments
    • Alliances across IT, facilities, and security departments, will foster a unified approach to infrastructure modernization. Adoption takes time.
    • Diplomacy in IT will be pivotal, ensuring cohesive action and integration of essential systems like cameras and access controls.
  4. Security pressures will demand technological innovation
    • AI-driven solutions will bridge the gap in cybersecurity staffing by acting as a force multiplier for threat detection and response, particularly against sophisticated risks like ransomware.

Info-Tech Insight

K-12 needs to view technology as both an enabler of efficiency and as an integral component to delivering on its mission of preparing students for a world where technology will be integrated into all their endeavors.

Institutional opportunities are developed from industry disruptions


Market Disruptions and Obstacles

Institutional Opportunities

  1. Resource Constraints and Funding
  2. Viewing Technology as an Enabler
  3. Resistance to Pedagogic Change
  1. Efficiency and cost reduction balanced with investment in the students
  2. The CIO's role will expand as operations become more technologically dependent
  3. Partnership and collaboration across departments
  4. Security pressures will demand technological innovation
  1. Security Prioritization
    Enhance cybersecurity to protect educational data and infrastructure from digital threats.
  2. Productivity & Efficiency Enhancement
    Use strategies and technologies to streamline processes and optimize resources such as labor or reduce wastage.
  3. Develop Meaningful Partnerships
    Forge strategic collaborations to enhance resources and educational outcomes.
  4. Innovation in Pedagogy
    Integrate innovative teaching methods to improve engagement and learning.


Info-Tech Research Group, Industry Roundtable on Exponential IT, 2024; Interviews.

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for relevance and resiliency in today’s environment.

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Mark Maby


  • John Armstrong, Chief Officer for Technology & Innovation, Joliet Public Schools District 86
  • Scott Morrow, Chief Information Officer, York Catholic District School Board
  • Brad Ross, Chief Information Officer, Bluewater District School Board
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