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Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for business growth and sustainability.

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CIOs are under pressure to help enhance supply chain resilience and transparency amid global disruptions. They must:

  • Navigate stringent compliance requirements for product safety, data protection, and environmental sustainability.
  • Accelerate the pace of innovation while managing costs amidst intense pressure to shorten product development cycles.
  • Protect proprietary formulas and clinical data from cyberattacks and leaks.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

The chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is facing unique challenges, from technological adoption and workforce adaptation to ethical considerations and sustainability goals. Understanding the barriers and embracing the opportunities presented by exponential technologies will allow manufacturers to optimize their operations and drive innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable growth.

Impact and Result

  • Recognize the urgency of adopting exponential IT within the chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to combat industry disruptions.
  • Comprehend the four priorities of exponential IT transformation in the chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing industry that are being adopted today to remain competitive within the market.
  • Acknowledge the foundational capabilities and maturity required to begin an effective exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.

Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Research & Tools

1. Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry – Adopting Exponential IT is critical for business growth and sustainability.

The urgent adoption of Exponential IT is highlighted for the chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to counter industry disruptions. Understand the four key priorities of Exponential IT transformation with this report, including foundational capabilities, maturity, and steps to achievement.

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Priorities for Adopting an Exponential IT Mindset in the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for business growth and sustainability.

Analyst perspective

Enable value creation through Exponential IT.

Shreyas Shukla

In an era where the digital and physical realms are increasingly intertwined, the adoption of advanced, exponential technologies is no longer a luxury but a necessity for survival and competitive success.

The manufacturing sector stands at a crossroads. Industry 5.0 has begun to usher in a profound paradigm shift that challenges traditional manufacturing philosophies. The integration of technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and advanced robotics enable a level of precision, efficiency, and customization previously unimaginable.

The role of IT in this transformation is nothing short of critical. Advanced IT maturity will be essential in the effort to integrate new technologies into existing manufacturing ecosystems and enable seamless connectivity, data integrity, and system security.

Multiple factors are contributing to sluggish demand for chemicals globally, including a recession in Europe, inflation in the United States, and a smaller-than-expected rebound in demand from China. In addition, over-ordering during the pandemic has resulted in high inventory levels, leading to months of destocking. This is causing a slowdown in chemical output with many companies turning their focus toward reducing costs and improving efficiencies.

The pharma industry on the other hand, has seen breakthroughs in vaccine development, cancer treatments, GLP-1 drugs that are revolutionizing weight management, gene therapy and gene editing technology for rare diseases, and new treatments for complex diseases like Alzheimer’s. Yet the sector continues to experience under-performance in capital markets relative to the market index. Every cost-related line item is going up due to inflation, interest rates, new tax regimes, and an increasing threat environment.

Shreyas Shukla
Principal Research Director, Manufacturing Practice
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive summary

Your challenge

Common obstacles

Info-Tech’s approach

CIOs are under pressure to help enhance supply chain resilience and transparency amid global disruptions.

Navigating stringent compliance requirements for product safety, data protection, and environmental sustainability.

Accelerating the pace of innovation while managing costs amid intense pressure to shorten product development cycles.

Protecting proprietary formulas and clinical data from cyberattacks and leaks.

CIOs are struggling to balance the budget between maintaining existing IT infrastructure and investing in new, innovative technology solutions.

There is a persistent gap in finding and retaining skilled IT professionals who are proficient in the latest technologies.

New regulations are slowing down the implementation of new technologies and processes.

Cybersecurity risk management continues to lag behind sophisticated attacks targeting IP.

Recognize the urgency of adopting Exponential IT within the manufacturing industry to combat industry disruptions.

Comprehend the four priorities of Exponential IT transformations in the manufacturing industry that are being adopted today to remain competitive within the market.

Acknowledge the foundational capabilities and maturity required to begin an effective Exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.

Info-Tech Insight
The chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is facing unique challenges, from technological adoption and workforce adaptation to ethical considerations and sustainability goals. Understanding the barriers and embracing the opportunities presented by exponential technologies will allow manufacturers to optimize their operations and drive innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable growth.

What is Exponential IT?

Exponential IT is a framework defined by Info-Tech Research Group.

The technology curve has recently bent exponentially.

Generative AI has been the catalyst for this sudden shift, but there are more and more new technologies emerging (e.g. quantum computing, 5G), putting significant pressure on all organizations.

Speed is now imperative. All IT leaders and organizations are at risk of falling behind if they do not adopt new technologies fast enough.

Our framework instructs all IT leaders on how to transform their organization and elevate their value-creation capabilities, to close the gap between the exponential progression of technological change and the linear progression of IT’s ability to successfully manage that change.

This research provides IT leaders with industry-specific priorities for Exponential IT and how to begin an effective Exponential IT transformation, resulting in value creation.

The image contains a screenshot of the Thought model Exponential IT Lean Into the Curve.

Adopting Exponential IT is critical for business growth and sustainability.

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Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

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Shreyas Shukla


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  • Chris Goodhue, Managing Partner, Info-Tech
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