Techie Dads Tell You What They Want for Father’s Day

Author(s): Brian Jackson

On this week’s GetConnected Video Podcast, we’re putting our best gift ideas on the line for dear old dad. But first, we’re talking about a coronavirus that killed millions, and how we can learn from it today. We’ll also be looking at some tech that is past its prime—all this and more on the June 6, 2020 edition of the GetConnected Video Podcast.

Many of you are probably sick of the coronavirus, pun intended. But did you know about the coronavirus that decimated millions? It was called porcine epidemic diarrhoea. Millions of pigs around the world succumbed to this tragically. But it was also an opportunity to innovate. Thanks to methods developed by pig farmers, the spread was contained by their implementation of bio-security. Brian Jackson from Info-Tech Research Group tells us about how what they learned can be used to help us with current and future pandemics.

Switching gears to a more festive topic, Father’s day is coming up. With shopping habits changed in the last few months, we’ve pooled the collective thoughts of two of our dads, AJ and Mike, to find out what they’re hoping their sons and daughters will be giving them this June 21st. And if they don’t get them, they’re probably buying them anyway. Even if you’re not a dad, you might enjoy checking out some of these great techie ideas.

After an intense search, John emerges from the back of his garage. He has unearthed a product that came from the earliest days of mainstream consumer computing. The brand that is known for the tagline ‘takes a licking and keeps on ticking’ has genuinely earned it.

Brian Jackson, from Info-Tech Research Group, shares his perspective in this article.

Techie Dads Tell You What They Want for Father’s Day

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