Throw an S-Curve at Project Management - Retired

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Many IT professionals have heard about the "S-Curve" and not completely understood what the concept means. Find out how you can use the S-Curve to manage projects with this guide.

What Is the S-Curve?

The S-Curve is a graphical representation of output over time. The basic S shape is caused because in the beginning, there isn't much output. However, the curve quickly steepens as skills and output increase. Near the end, the slope flattens again since people have nearly mastered the skills and are approaching the end of the project.

S-Curve Stages

There are three parts of the S-Curve: the flat early part, the middle ramp-up, and the flat finish. Each part of the curve has different characteristics that relate to different stages of a project.

First Stage: Early Enthusiasm

In the early stages of a project, new team members are being added and there is a great deal of optimism and enthusiasm....

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