Unify a Mixed Methodology Portfolio Storyboard – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Travis Duncan


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As portfolio manager, you oversee a portfolio made up of projects using different types of planning and execution methodologies – from traditional Waterfall, to Agile, to hybrid approaches, and beyond. This discontinuity makes a holistic and perpetually actionable view of the portfolio elusive – and IT’s intake and resourcing decisions suffer in turn.

This blueprint will assist you in creating a unified strategy that will help the portfolio get the data it needs from project managers and teams without imposing strict or unreasonable governance processes. Develop your Mixed Methodology Portfolio Strategy by following our three-phase approach:

  • Get portfolio commitments from portfolio owners and executives.
  • Define sustainable portfolio processes.
  • Develop an implementation plan to guarantee success.
  • Use our approach to improve project and portfolio results and create greater stakeholder satisfaction.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Unify a Mixed Methodology Portfolio

Improve portfolio oversight and agility without going old school command and control.

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