- Television viewing has changed dramatically with the rise of streaming services like Netflix. Guests now expect personal control over the content they view, by accessing their personal subscriptions, casting from a personal device, or watching their own local programming when they travel internationally.
- Hotel televisions now permit two-way communication on the IP network, allowing for a range of features including PMS integration, POS or CRM offers, targeted advertising, and in-room controls. The range of features varies from vendor to vendor and the client will want to consider the full range of features available in this market.
- Video already puts high demands on the hotel network and those demands will only increase as image definition goes higher. Clients will want a reliable vendor who can diagnose and resolve video-related problems in an efficient manner.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- The in-room entertainment space is highly competitive with each vendor offering a range of different features. However, hotels should ask vendors about support metrics because the features they offer are only worthwhile if they are reliable. A Chromecast dongle, for example, might be more trouble than its worth if it does not perform reliably or is not intuitive for the guest to use.
- Hotels should use metrics available through advanced reporting and analytics on channel viewership as a potential source of cost reduction. Many channels have a high per-room cost. Viewership analytics can help hotels to decide if a channel is worth the price. A channel like HBO or ESPN carries a high per room cost. If its cost is not supported by viewership, then hotels should question its value.
Impact and Result
- Increase customer engagement by allowing guests to watch their own content and internet subscriptions on the hotel television.
- Provide a personalized customer experience by using the television for targeted advertising and promotions.
- Control TV branding and content from a centralized center through a cloud-based SaaS solution.